Ostrich Spirituality: Speed, Grounding, & Rising Tall in Life

The spiritual meaning of the ostrich: ground yourself in life's journey and embrace speed and wisdom in your path toward personal growth.
Spirit animal ostrich

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When I think about the ostrich, what fascinates me the most is its incredible ability to remain connected to the earth while also being the fastest two-legged runner on the planet. It reminds us that even when we’re moving fast, staying grounded is crucial. But let’s not forget, the ostrich is also known for its myth of burying its head in the sand—a powerful metaphor for the times we choose avoidance over facing our challenges head-on.

If you’re feeling a bit lost or unsure, I encourage you to get to know the ostrich spirit animal better. It’s got a lot to teach us about balancing our need for speed with the importance of staying rooted and mindful about when and what we choose to avoid.

Here are some common struggles that the ostrich spirit animal can help with:

  • Feeling stuck or immobile: Sometimes, we need a little push to get moving.
  • Losing touch with one’s roots or reality: The ostrich reminds us to keep our feet firmly planted.
  • Avoiding difficult situations or conversations: Learning when avoidance protects us and when it hinders our growth is a valuable lesson from our feathered guide.

By embracing the ostrich spirit animal, you can expect to find yourself:

  • Taking swift action towards your goals: With a newfound sense of purpose and direction.
  • Feeling more grounded and connected: To the world around you and to your inner self.
  • Navigating avoidance with wisdom: Understanding when it’s a tool for self-care and when it’s a barrier to progress.

So, are you ready to “stretch your legs” into a life full of grounding, speed, and mindful avoidance? Let the ostrich spirit guide you toward a path where you can run with purpose, stand tall with confidence, and choose your battles wisely.

Other Spirit Animals

If you feel that the ostrich doesn’t quite resonate with you as a spirit animal, take a look at our webpage for a variety of other animals. Perhaps you’re seeking the resourcefulness associated with a hyena, or the setting of boundaries you can learn from an armadillo.

Spirit animal ostrich

The Spiritual Meaning of Ostrich

Not too long ago, I had the privilege of coaching a woman who felt as if she was constantly running from her problems, never quite facing them head-on, yet also feeling ungrounded and disconnected from her path in life.

It was as if she was embodying the ostrich, known for its speed and the myth of burying its head in the sand, yet she was missing out on the positive aspects this spirit animal embodies. 

The spiritual meaning of an ostrich can be helpful with:

Grounding: The ostrich, with its large feet firmly planted on the earth, teaches us about the importance of staying connected to our roots and the world around us. This connection offers a stable foundation from which to grow and navigate life’s challenges. Embracing this attribute can lead to a deeper sense of security and presence, allowing us to make decisions from a place of calmness and clarity. In personal relationships, it encourages us to remain present and engaged, improving our dynamics with others.

Speed: Known as the fastest bird on land, the ostrich symbolizes the ability to move quickly and efficiently towards our goals. This trait teaches us about the value of agility and adaptability in our lives. By adopting this quality, we learn the importance of seizing opportunities swiftly and not hesitating due to fear or indecision. It’s about balancing speed with intention, ensuring that our actions align with our true objectives and paths. The cheetah is another animal that combines speed and focus. 

Avoidance: While often seen negatively, the ostrich’s behavior of “burying its head in the sand” (though a myth) highlights the theme of selective engagement. This teaches us that sometimes, avoiding certain battles or situations can be an act of wisdom and self-preservation, not just fear. Learning when to engage and when to step back can lead to healthier decision-making and stress management. It’s a reminder that not every conflict deserves our energy.


Visibility: Despite its tendency to be associated with avoidance, the ostrich is also incredibly visible on the savannah, with its tall height and unique appearance. This spirit animal teaches us about standing tall and being seen, embracing our uniqueness, and not being afraid to show who we truly are. It encourages us to be proud of our individuality and to express ourselves authentically, leading to greater self-acceptance and confidence.

Adaptability: Living in various environments, from savannahs to deserts, the ostrich showcases remarkable adaptability. This attribute encourages us to be flexible and resilient in the face of change, learning to thrive in different circumstances and challenges. Embracing adaptability helps us to grow through what we go through, turning obstacles into opportunities for personal development.

These principles can guide us in navigating our journey with purpose, presence, and a deep connection to our true selves.

Spiritual meaning ostrich

The Symbolic Meaning of Ostrich in Culture and History

The ostrich, a bird as enigmatic as it is striking, carries a rich tapestry of symbolic meanings across various cultures and historical contexts. Its unique traits have not only intrigued observers but have also imbued this magnificent creature with a variety of interpretations and roles in folklore, mythology, and cultural traditions. Here’s a look into the fascinating historical and cultural background of the ostrich:

  • Ancient Egypt: In Egyptian culture, the ostrich feather was a symbol of truth and justice. The goddess Ma’at is often depicted wearing an ostrich feather in her hair, representing balance, law, and order. The feather was used in the weighing of the heart ceremony, a crucial judgment in the afterlife.

  • African Folklore: In many African stories, the ostrich is portrayed as a wise but sometimes prideful creature. Its speed and ability to run from danger are often highlighted, symbolizing both wisdom and the consequences of overconfidence.

  • Christian Symbolism: In early Christian art, the ostrich was sometimes used to represent faith and vigilance. The belief that the ostrich could hatch its eggs by merely looking at them (a misunderstanding of their incubation habits) was seen as an analogy for the Christian faith and the power of divine gaze.

  • Islamic Art and Literature: The ostrich appears in various Islamic texts and artworks, symbolizing a range of attributes from nobility to foolishness. Its feathers have been used in decoration and as symbols of high status.

  • Medieval Europe: Bestiaries of the medieval period often depicted the ostrich with peculiar attributes, sometimes claiming it could eat iron and digest it. This was metaphorically used to symbolize the ability to consume and transform spiritual or difficult teachings into something beneficial.

  • Native American Cultures: Although not native to the Americas, the ostrich-like rhea might have similar symbolic roles in certain South American indigenous cultures, representing speed and the ability to maneuver through challenges with grace.

  • Victorian Symbolism: During the Victorian era, ostrich feathers became a symbol of luxury and status. The use of ostrich plumes in hats and other fashion accessories was seen as a sign of wealth and elegance.

  • Modern Symbolism: Today, the ostrich is often used in logos, brands, and as a symbol of speed and reliability in various commercial contexts. Its image is also employed in campaigns related to environmental conservation and awareness about the survival challenges faced by species in the wild.

Spiritual meaning ostrich

Embracing the Ostrich in Everyday Life


I invite you to take a moment and ponder how the ostrich’s key attributes of grounding, speed, avoidance, visibility, and adaptability resonate with your personal life and aspirations.

Reflecting on these qualities can open up pathways to positive changes in mindset and behavior. For instance, consider how the ostrich’s grounding nature could inspire you to stay connected to your core values, or how its speed might motivate you to pursue your goals with more vigor and determination.

Real-Life Examples

Imagine applying the ostrich’s wisdom in your relationships, allowing you to be more present and engaged with loved ones. Or think about your career, where embodying the ostrich’s speed and adaptability encourages you to embrace opportunities and navigate challenges with grace. 

Personal growth can also flourish by learning from the ostrich’s selective avoidance, teaching us to conserve our energy for battles that truly matter. In terms of well-being, the ostrich’s visible confidence and unique stature inspire us to stand tall in our truth, embracing our individuality.

Connecting with the Ostrich

To deepen your connection with the ostrich spirit animal, consider integrating the following practices into your daily life:

Daily Practices

  • Start your day with a grounding exercise, such as meditation or walking barefoot on the earth, to embody the ostrich’s connection to the ground.
  • Incorporate brief, high-intensity activities into your routine to capture the essence of the ostrich’s speed, reminding you of your ability to swiftly move towards your goals.

Creative Expression

  • Use art, writing, or dance to express the unique energy of the ostrich. You might create a piece that captures its grace and speed or write a story from the perspective of an ostrich navigating the savannah, embodying its traits.

Nature Connection

  • Spend time in open spaces that mimic the ostrich’s natural habitat, such as plains, fields, or wide-open parks. This can help you feel closer to the ostrich spirit and inspire qualities of freedom and expansiveness.

Learning and Exploration

  • Dive deeper into understanding the ostrich by reading about its behaviors, watching documentaries, or if possible, visiting a wildlife reserve where you can observe them respectfully. Learning about their life cycle, habits, and the challenges they face can enrich your connection.

Symbolic Reminders

  • Keep symbols or items related to the ostrich, such as feathers, jewelry, or artwork, as daily reminders of its influence in your life. These tokens can serve as a source of inspiration and a constant reminder to embody the ostrich’s positive attributes.

By embracing the ostrich spirit animal in these ways, you invite the transformation and strength it symbolizes into your daily existence, guiding you toward a life of purpose, presence, and authenticity.

Spiritual meaning ostrich

Dreaming of an Ostrich

When the ostrich appears in your dreams, it’s not just a visit from the world’s largest bird; it’s a profound encounter with a spirit animal rich in symbolism and insight. Dreaming of an ostrich can be a powerful experience, offering messages related to grounding, speed, avoidance, and adaptability. These dreams can serve as guides, helping us navigate our waking life with wisdom and grace. Let’s explore some common scenarios in which an ostrich might appear in your dreams and what these encounters could signify.

The Ostrich Running

In a dream, seeing an ostrich running at full speed across the savannah can be exhilarating. This scenario might symbolize your desire or need to accelerate your efforts in reaching a goal. The ostrich’s remarkable speed reminds us that we have the ability to swiftly move toward our aspirations, encouraging us to take decisive action in our lives.


The Ostrich Hiding Its Head

Though it’s a myth that ostriches bury their heads in the sand to avoid danger, dreaming of an ostrich engaging in this behavior could reflect feelings of avoidance or denial in your waking life. This dream invites you to consider what issues you might be avoiding and encourages you to face them head-on, using wisdom and discernment to decide when and how to confront challenges.

The Ostrich Standing Tall

Dreaming of an ostrich standing tall and proud, perhaps looking over the landscape, might symbolize visibility and the need to be seen. This could be a sign to embrace your uniqueness, stand up for your beliefs, and express your true self more openly. The ostrich teaches us the importance of showing up in the world with confidence and authenticity.

The Ostrich and Its Eggs

If you dream of an ostrich tending to its eggs, this could represent nurturing, protection, and the development of new ideas or projects. The ostrich in your dream encourages you to take care of your creative endeavors or personal growth, reminding you of the importance of patience and dedication in bringing something new into being.


For those intrigued by the guidance our dreams offer and wishing to delve deeper into the messages from their spirit animal, exploring lucid dreaming can be a powerful next step.

Lucid dreaming offers a unique opportunity to interact with your spirit animal in a more conscious and intentional way, potentially providing direct guidance and insight. For those interested in learning more about lucid dreaming and how it can help you connect with the guidance of your spirit animal, visit Totem Mystic’s guide on lucid dreaming.


As the Ostrich strides powerfully across the open savannah, effortlessly connecting with the earth beneath its feet and navigating the vast landscapes with grace and speed, may you too find the strength to ground yourself in your own journey. Let the Ostrich guide you to embrace your unique path with confidence, to move swiftly towards your dreams with determination, and to wisely choose which challenges to confront and which to bypass.

Embrace the spirit of the Ostrich, allowing its remarkable blend of visibility and adaptability to inspire you to stand tall in your authenticity and to adapt with resilience to the ever-changing terrains of life. May the Ostrich’s presence in your life encourage you to explore the vastness of your potential, to nurture your aspirations with care, and to celebrate your individuality with pride.

Stride boldly, embrace your path with wholeheartedness, and evolve with the grace of the Ostrich. May its spirit lead you through the open fields of your aspirations, where each step is grounded in purpose, each gaze is fixed on the horizon of your dreams, and every moment is an opportunity to embody the essence of this magnificent creature.

Spirit animal ostrich